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2022-08-14 22:01:28 +02:00
# pytest-csv-params
2022-08-15 20:24:08 +02:00
A pytest plugin to parametrize data-driven tests by CSV files.
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2022-08-14 22:01:28 +02:00
## Requirements
- Python 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10
- pytest >= 7.1
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There's no operating system dependent code in this plugin, so it should run anywhere where pytest runs.
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## Installation
Simply install it with pip...
2022-08-14 22:49:57 +02:00
pip install pytest-csv-params
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... or poetry ...
2022-08-14 22:49:57 +02:00
poetry add --dev pytest-csv-params
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## Usage: Command Line Argument
| Argument | Required | Description | Example |
| `--csv-params-base-dir` | no (optional) | Define a base dir for all relative-path CSV data files (since 0.1.0) | `pytest --csv-params-base-dir /var/testdata` |
## Usage: Decorator
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Simply decorate your test method with `@csv_params` and the following parameters:
| Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
| `data_file` | `str` | The CSV file to use, relative or absolute path | `"/var/testdata/test1.csv"` |
| `base_dir` | `str` (optional) | Directory to look up relative CSV files (see `data_file`); overrides the command line argument | `join(dirname(__file__), "assets")` |
| `id_col` | `str` (optional) | Column name of the CSV that contains test case IDs | `"ID#"` |
| `dialect` | `csv.Dialect` (optional) | CSV Dialect definition (see [Python CSV Documentation]( | `csv.excel_tab` |
| `data_casts` | `dict` (optional) | Cast Methods for the CSV Data (see "Data Casting" below) | `{ "a": int, "b": float }` |
| `header_renames` | `dict` (optional) | Replace headers from the CSV file, so that they can be used as parameters for the test function (since 0.3.0) | `{ "Annual Amount of Bananas": "banana_count", "Cherry export price": "cherry_export_price" }` |
## CSV File Lookup Order
CSV files are looked up following this rules:
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- If the `data_file` parameter is an absolute path, this is used, regardless of the `base_dir` parameter or command line argument.
- If the `data_file` parameter is relative:
- If the `base_dir` parameter is set, the file is looked up there, regardless of the command line argument
- If the `base_dir` parameter is not set (or `None`):
- If the command line argument is set, the file is looked up there
- If the command line argument is not set, the file is looked up in the current working directory
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## Data Casting
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When data is read from CSV, they are always parsed as `str`. If you need them in other formats, you can set a method that should be called with the value.
These methods can also be lambdas, and are also good for further transformations.
### Data Casting Example
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from pytest_csv_params.decorator import csv_params
def normalize(x: str) -> str:
return x.strip().upper()
"col_x": normalize,
"col_y": float,
def test_something(col_x, col_y):
# Test something...
## CSV Format
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The default CSV format is:
- `\r\n` as line ending
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- All non-numeric fields are surrounded by `"`
- If you need a `"` in the value, use `""` (double quote)
- Fields are separated by comma (`,`)
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2022-08-15 20:24:08 +02:00
**The first line must contain the row names. Row names must match the parameters of the test method (except for an ID column that is configured as such -- see `id_col` decorator parameter).**
### Example CSV
2022-08-14 22:01:28 +02:00
"ID#", "part_a", "part_b", "expected_result"
"first", 1, 2, 3
"second", 3, 4, 7
"third", 10, 11, 21
### Headers
The header line is very important, as it maps the values to parameters of the test function. The plugin supports you with that. The following rules apply:
- Every character that is not valid in a variable name is replaced by an underscore (`_`)
- If the character at the start is not a letter or an underscore, it is replaced by an underscore(`_`)
- If the name is still invalid then, because it's a keyword or a builtin name, an exception is raised (`CsvHeaderNameInvalid`)
If you don't want to change your CSV file, you can use the `header_renames` parameter to the decorator to rename headers as needed.
Headers must be unique, and an Exception is raised if not (`CsvHeaderNameInvalid`).
The header handling was heavily improved in Version 0.3.0.
## Usage Example
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This example uses the CSV example from above.
from pytest_csv_params.decorator import csv_params
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2022-08-14 22:01:28 +02:00
"part_a": int,
"part_b": int,
"expected_result": int,
def test_addition(part_a, part_b, expected_result):
assert part_a + part_b == expected_result
Shorthand example (no ID col, only string values):
from pytest_csv_params.decorator import csv_params
def test_texts(text_a, text_b, text_c):
assert f"{text_a}:{text_b}" == text_c
### More complex example
This example features nearly all things the plugin has to offer. You find this example also in the test cases, see `tests/`.
The CSV file (`tests/assets/example.csv`):
"Test ID","Bananas shipped","Single Banana Weight","Apples shipped","Single Apple Weight","Container Size"
The Test (`tests/`):
from math import ceil
from os.path import join, dirname
from pytest_csv_params.decorator import csv_params
base_dir=join(dirname(__file__), "assets"),
id_col="Test ID",
"Bananas shipped": "bananas_shipped",
"Single Banana Weight": "banana_weight",
"Apples shipped": "apples_shipped",
"Single Apple Weight": "apple_weight",
"Container Size": "container_size",
"bananas_shipped": int,
"banana_weight": float,
"apples_shipped": int,
"apple_weight": float,
"container_size": int,
def test_container_size_is_big_enough(
bananas_shipped: int, banana_weight: float, apples_shipped: int, apple_weight: float, container_size: int
) -> None:
This is just an example test case for the documentation.
gross_weight = (banana_weight * bananas_shipped) + (apple_weight * apples_shipped)
assert ceil(gross_weight) <= container_size
If you decide not to rename the columns, the test would look like this:
base_dir=join(dirname(__file__), "assets"),
id_col="Test ID",
"Bananas_Shipped": int,
"Single_Banana_Weight": float,
"Apples_Shipped": int,
"Single_Apple_Weight": float,
"Container_Size": int,
def test_container_size_is_big_enough(
Bananas_Shipped: int, Single_Banana_Weight: float, Apples_Shipped: int, Single_Apple_Weight: float, Container_Size: int
) -> None:
## Breaking Changes
### Version 0.3.0
- Column header names that are reserved keywords or builtin names are no longer accepted. You should have been in trouble already if you used them, so nothing should go wrong with this change and existing tests.
### Version 0.2.0
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- The parameter order for `pytest_csv_params.decorator.csv_params` changed to allow the shorthand usage with only a `data_file` as positional argument. If you used keyword arguments only (like the docs recommend), you will not run into trouble.
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## Contributing
### Build and test
You need [Poetry]( in order to build this project.
Tests are implemented with `pytest`, and `tox` is used to orchestrate them for the supported python versions.
- Checkout this repo
- Run `poetry install`
- Run `poetry run tox` (for all supported python versions) or `poetry run pytest` (for your current version)
### Bugs etc.
Please send your issues to `csv-params_issues` (at) ``. Please include the following:
- Plugin Version used
- Pytest version
- Python version with operating system
It would be great if you could include example code that clarifies your issue.
### Pull Requests
Pull requests are always welcome. Since this Gitea instance is not open to public, just send an e-mail to discuss options.
Any changes that are made are to be backed by tests. Please give me a sign if you're going to break the existing API and let us discuss ways to handle that.
### Quality Measures
Backed with pytest plugins:
- Pylint _(static code analysis and best practises)_
- black _(code formatting standards)_
- isort _(keep imports sorted)_
- Bandit _(basic static security tests)_
- mypy _(typechecking)_
Please to a complete pytest run (`poetry run pytest`), and consider running it on all supported platforms with (`poetry run tox`).
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## License
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Code is under MIT license. See `LICENSE.txt` for details.
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## Where are the sources?
The source code is available under [](