""" Pytest Plugin Entrypoint: This module contains all the code to initialize the pytest plugin. This is the entrypoint configured in the `pyproject.toml` as `pytest11`. """ from _ptcsvp.cmdline import pytest_addoption as _pytest_addoption from _ptcsvp.configure import pytest_configure as _pytest_configure from _ptcsvp.configure import pytest_unconfigure as _pytest_unconfigure from _ptcsvp.version import check_pytest_version, check_python_version # Fist at all, check if the python & pytest version matches check_python_version() check_pytest_version() # Basic config pytest_configure = _pytest_configure """ Hook our :meth:`_ptcsvp.configure.pytest_configure` method to setup the plugin setup """ pytest_unconfigure = _pytest_unconfigure """ Hook our :meth:`_ptcsvp.configure.pytest_unconfigure` method to setup the plugin teardown """ # Command Line Arguments pytest_addoption = _pytest_addoption """ Hook our :meth:`_ptcsvp.cmdline.pytest_addoption` method to setup our command line arguments """