""" Example Code for a test case for the `README.md` documentation ============================================================== **Module:** ``tests.test_complex_example`` This module contains a quite simple, yet complex configured test to show what's possible with the plugin. The example uses this CSV data, as found under ``tests/assets/example.csv``: .. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/assets/example.csv :language: text The test idea here is much the same as the :mod:`tests.test_blog_example` test case. Why is such a test case here? That's simple: To make sure, the code samples in the documentation still work as designed. """ from math import ceil from os.path import dirname, join from pytest_csv_params.decorator import csv_params @csv_params( data_file="example.csv", base_dir=join(dirname(__file__), "assets"), id_col="Test ID", header_renames={ "Bananas shipped": "bananas_shipped", "Single Banana Weight": "banana_weight", "Apples shipped": "apples_shipped", "Single Apple Weight": "apple_weight", "Container Size": "container_size", }, data_casts={ "bananas_shipped": int, "banana_weight": float, "apples_shipped": int, "apple_weight": float, "container_size": int, }, ) def test_container_size_is_big_enough( bananas_shipped: int, banana_weight: float, apples_shipped: int, apple_weight: float, container_size: int ) -> None: """ This is just an example test case for the documentation. :param bananas_shipped: How many mananas were shipped? :param banana_weight: What's the weight of one banana? :param apples_shipped: How many apples where shipped? :param apple_weight: What's the weight of one apple? :param container_size: How large was the container? """ gross_weight = (banana_weight * bananas_shipped) + (apple_weight * apples_shipped) assert ceil(gross_weight) <= container_size